• Trip to London 1 - We preceded a visit to the theatre in London on Wednesday with a look round the Portrait Gallery. It has undergone a lot of renovation work in recent ye...
    6 days ago

Lecture List

I offer a number of lectures (Zoom or in-person) to camera clubs and similar groups (nominal charge £40). 

If you are interested in having a lecture for your group, please email annmiles70@gmail.com

From The Concrete to The Abstract NEW LECTURE

We look at Concrete not only as a building material and the whole genre of architecture that developed but also the application of the terms concrete (factual, documentary photography) and abstract (creative, experimental photography) as they apply to our image making. This means many techniques for photographing architecture and lots of Creative techniques and ideas

Inspiration and Motivation in Photography
A wide-ranging talk touching on where inspiration can be found and ways of maintaining motivation after the initial enthusiasm may be waning. Although happy to use creative techniques for image making, my main interests are nature, landscape and architectural photography especially where people interact with the buildings so there will be a mix of all these four genre in the talk.

Weather to Photograph and What
Rain, snow and mist - first, this lecture shows images depicting my 'perfect' photographic weathers. But what do you do when the weather isn't perfect for photography - some suggestions are made of subjects and techniques to employ when the light is dull or when the sun shines too brightly.

Creative Techniques with Camera and Software
As well as presenting many of my own images, this lecture includes discussion of the early history of photography, showing that manipulation of images is not a new phenomenon. I attempt to give an overall view of the compositional elements and tonal control that I employ in producing my images. It will cover techniques to produce creative images with the camera and lots of hints and techniques to use with different software including blending modes in Photoshop and the Nik plugins.

Monochrome My Way
An exploration of the different moods that we can create using the monochrome medium. From stark barren snow scenes to dark threatening skies in landscapes and seascapes. From detailed architectural studies to soft artistic renderings. I will show several colour images where monochrome is not appropriate. There will be some discussion of the software and techniques available for making the most of your digital conversions.

Macrophotography strictly involves reproducing a subject at the same size as the subject though it is often extended to include any close-up photography. This wide-interest lecture explores what equipment can be used to get good macro images and what you might hope to achieve both in the natural history and visual arts genre.

A Passion for Nature 
This talk shows the Natural World from a pictorial photographer's angle. Although there will be lots of close-up and sharp images of birds, insects, mammals and flowers, I will also include more atmospheric and abstract shots. Discover how the choice of background, aperture and lighting conditions can make all the difference in nature as with other types of photography

Beside the Seaside
Recording the world around us is one of the defining features of humans from the earliest cave painting to the present-day mobile phone photography. Concentrating on the British coastline, this talk shows how photography is used to record changes in our environment, to depict humour, enjoy natural history or create art for the walls etc. The images show a wide variety of different camera techniques and lenses and how different processing and printing techniques can transform images. Above all, it suggests good locations that anyone can visit and enjoy.

Nature's Year
The Calendar Year in the UK from a pictorial photographer's angle. Although there will be lots of close-up and sharp nature images of birds, insects, mammals and flowers, I will also include more atmospheric landscape shots and even some abstracts inspired by the Natural World. This talk is suitable for non-specialist audiences as well as Camera clubs and can be limited to one hour if required.

Getting the Most from your Images
A short introductory lecture for non-photographic clubs showing how to get the most from compact cameras and commercial printing etc. I introduce some of the elements of good composition and finish with a run through of some of my favourite images.

Introduction to Lightroom
A demonstration with lots of before and after images of processing in Lightroom and using the Nik collection of Plugins (Silver Effex, Viveza, Define etc)